Sermon on Homosexual History

 I will leave you with a sermon...

Brothers! We live during an auspicious period of human history, when homosexual love has been liberated from the confines of monotheist oppression, and restored to its rightful place of honor, because Phallic Worship pre-dates monotheism.

The Greeks didn't just invest democracy and philosophy. They also normalized homosexual love. So, it's incorrect to say talk about heterosexual love as being "traditional" when pagan societies had allowed for homosexuality, thousands of years before the prudish, inhibited, Judeo-Christians arrived on the scene and began forcing homosexuals underground (into the closet).

Homosexual love is NOT unnatural. What's unnatural is seeking to inhibit normal, natural, sexual urges between MEN. Attempting to control sexuality is unnatural. Manipulating people into thinking they are bad because of a sexual desire that they can not control is abusive behavior. That's not how an all-loving god would, why worship HIM???


In the Name of Phallus, the Semen, and the Horny Gays...AHHH, MEN!!


Frater Priapus


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