Religious Non-Believer

 If your god isn't making your dick hard--and ejaculating powerfully euphoric, arcing ropes of cum, then you're worshiping the wrong god. 

The only gods capable of arousing your phallic glory, are pagan in origin (especially Greco-Roman gods). However, this doesn't mean you have to believe in the supernatural. For example...

Spirituality can be a metaphorical, (or psychological) construct by which we give meaning, purpose, and direction, to our lives. For so-called, "religious non-believers," the gods are merely archetypes, which represent: human characteristics, behaviors, universal concepts, philosophical ideals, and regularly occurring events in the cycle of human experience. These archetypal deities reflect aspects within ourselves that we seek to bring forth, banish, or protect,

Our spiritual philosophy, however, should never require of us that we submit ourselves to unreason--or untenable, supernatural beliefs, based on literal interpretations of fanciful tales.  

In the name of Priapus, the Semen, and the Horny Gays...ahh, men!


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