Pansexual Homo

Technically, I'm pansexual, but that doesn't preclude me from also being a proud, flaming, homosexual. Because pansexual includes desiring homosexual sex with other horny homos.

I adore indulging in faggotry by worshiping the glorious, beauty, of the FULLY...ERECT...PENIS. Throbbing with the divinely-alluring, lusty, power of Aroused Masculinity.

How could I deny my homosexuality when I'm happily obsessed with the glorious beauty of the FULLY ERECT PENIS?

But, more importantly, why wouldn't I desire the intense, sexual, euphoria induced upon worshiping the Almighty PENISSS??

Brothers! Never feel ashamed for your love of the FULLY ERECT PENIS.

Encourage yourself and others by sharing pictures of HUGE, THROBBING, MAJESTIC, COCKS, so that you will be blessed by Almighty Priapus with the blissful, euphoria, that Penis Worshipers seek.

May your erections be frequent and rock-hard...May your cum-shots be plentiful, and powerfully, euphoric.

In the Name of the Phallus, the Semen, and the Horny Guys--Ahhh, MEN.

-Frater Priapus-


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